

  Hang on...
1. Atlas of Iran 1998
2. Atlas of Tehran Metropolis
3. Ethnology: Central Alborz
1. Introduction
1. text Foreword of the publication online 2011 |Only in French|
2. text The Program of ethnographic maps of Iran |Only in French|
3. map Location of the surveys of PECEI
4. text Why and How Ethnographic Maps of Iran? |Only in French|
5. text Foreword of the original publication, 1979 |Only in French|
6. text Bibliography |Only in French|
2. Central Alborz
1. text The double heterogeneity of central Alborz |Only in French|
2. text Questions of cartography in Tehran gerion |Only in French|
3. text Map 1. Location, mountains, control sites |Only in French|
4. map Map 1. Location, mountains, control sites
5. text Map 2. Administrative divisions of the Central Alborz (1966) |Only in French|
6. map Map 2. Administrative divisions of the Central Alborz (1966)
3. Population and migrations
2. text Map 3. Demography |Only in French|
3. map Map 3. Demography
4. text Map 4. Religions |Only in French|
5. map Map 4. Religions
6. text Map 5. Languages |Only in French|
7. map Map 5. Languages
8. text Map 6. Caravan roads in the early XXth Century. |Only in French|
9. map Map 6. Caravan roads in the early XXth Century.
10. text Map 7. Traditional migrations |Only in French|
11. map Map 7. Traditional migrations
12. text Map 8. Touristic migrations of the urban population |Only in French|
13. map Map 8. Touristic migrations of the urban population
14. text Map 9. Trade center and catchment areas |Only in French|
15. map Map 9. Trade center and catchment areas
4. Animal husbandry
1. text CHAPTER II. LIVESTOCK |Only in French|
2. text Map 10. The types of stables |Only in French|
3. map Map 10. The types of stables
4. text Map 11. The storage of fodder |Only in French|
5. map Map 11. The storage of fodder
6. text Map 12. Cattle |Only in French|
7. map Map 12. Cattle
8. text Map 13. Pastoral migrations of villagers |Only in French|
9. map Map 13. Pastoral migrations of villagers
10. text Map 14. Tending the flocks of sheep by villagers |Only in French|
11. map Map 14. Tending the flocks of sheep by villagers
12. text Map 15. The pastoral migrations of nomads |Only in French|
13. map Map 15. The pastoral migrations of nomads
14. text Map 16. The types of butter churns |Only in French|
15. map Map 16. The types butter churns
16. text Map 17. Pack animals |Only in French|
17. map Map 17. Pack animals
5. Agriculture
1. text CHAPTER III. AGRICULTURE |Only in French|
2. text Map 18. Type of crops |Only in French|
3. map Map 18. Type of crops
4. text Map 19. Fruit cultivation |Only in French|
5. map Map 19. Fruit cultivation
6. text Map 20. Water Resources |Only in French|
7. map Map 20. Water Resources
8. text Map 21. The types of ploughs |Only in French|
9. map Map 21. The types of ploughs
10. text Map 22. The names of the plough |Only in French|
11. map Map 22. The names of the plough
12. text Map 23. The types of harrows |Only in French|
13. map Map 23. The types of harrows
14. text Map 24. The threshing of wheat and rice |Only in French|
15. map Map 24. The threshing of wheat and rice
16. text Map 25. Mills |Only in French|
17. map Map 25. Mills
6. Housing
1. text CHAPTER IV. HOUSING |Only in French|
2. text Map 26. Types of villages |Only in French|
3. map Map 26. Types of villages
4. text Map 27. Types of roofs |Only in French|
5. map Map 27. Types of roofs
4. Ethnology: Zâgros
5. Politics
6. Environnement
7. Populations
8. Society and cultures
9. Economy and Energy
10. Bazarcarto