

  Hang on...
1. Atlas of Iran 1998
2. Atlas of Tehran Metropolis
1. Introduction
2. The land of Tehran
3. History
4. Population
5. Migrations
6. Employment
7. Education
8. Housing
1. text Housing |Only in French|
2. text From Bricks to Concrete |Only in French|
3. map Dwelling Units Completed before 1966
4. map Dwelling Units Completed in 1966 - 1975
5. map Dwelling Units Completed in 1976 - 1985
6. map Dwelling Units Completed in 1986 - 1996
7. map Dwelling Units Made of Concrete
8. map Dwelling Units Made of Steel Skeleton
9. map Dwelling Units Made of Semi-Hard Material
10. map Dwelling Units Made of Soft Material
11. text Facilities of Housing Units |Only in French|
12. map Dwelling Unit with one room
13. map Dwelling Unit with 2-3 rooms
14. map Dwelling Unit with more than 6 rooms
15. map Households Supplied with Electricity
16. map Households Supplied with Piped Gas
17. map Households Supplied with Piped Water
18. map Households Supplied with Central Heating
19. map Households Supplied with Cooler
20. map Households Supplied with Telephone
21. map Households Supplied with Bathroom and Kitchen
22. text Type of Tenure of the Dwelling Unit |Only in French|
23. map Full ownership (Land and Building)
24. map Owner of the building only
25. map Type of trenure : Rental
26. map Tenure Against Service
27. text Typology of Housing conditions |Only in French|
28. map Typology of Housing conditions
9. Social and spatial structures
3. Ethnology: Central Alborz
4. Ethnology: Zâgros
5. Politics
6. Environnement
7. Populations
8. Society and cultures
9. Economy and Energy
10. Bazarcarto